Last comments - My Panty Shot |

355 viewsprosex2810/17/09 at 12:23redtoyou: nice

355 viewsprosex2810/15/09 at 06:50swapcpl: Beautiful!

355 viewsprosex2810/13/09 at 03:51cliff259: a very nice looking crack !
Date added=Oct 10, 2009 100_2403[1].JPG](images/thumbs/thumb_nopic.png)
215 viewsmmmmmmmdink7710/17/09 at 03:35earnieandconnie: Eat me while you do that. Your body is making me s...

black silky299 viewsAny 1 like to eat my applezoran5410/17/09 at 18:49grinder167: very nice

618 viewsHome from workzoran5410/17/09 at 09:09dewpoint51: That is a fine looking cotton clad panty ass!

618 viewsHome from workzoran5410/13/09 at 20:49regnar74: What a VERY sexy wife!! Love the pantyhose, PLEASE...

132 viewsmamiya10/13/09 at 23:14jbtcoolman: gorgeous ass

white satin lace panties191 viewsShe likes to wear these around the house to drive me crazyvt2008vt10/14/09 at 10:24macnasty1970: they would drive anyman crazy as it is me love the...

Upskirt blue satin panties215 viewsShe is a tiger in the bedroom, especially with her blue satin panties...which I ripped off her body!!!!vt2008vt10/13/09 at 22:47appletree: mmmmmmmmmmmm....yummy....

White cotton panties413 viewsI love these tiny thin white cotton panties...when she gets excited they get wet and I can see-thru them...sooooo HOTvt2008vt10/14/09 at 09:26chad14: so fucking hot i agree with hotfun

White cotton panties413 viewsI love these tiny thin white cotton panties...when she gets excited they get wet and I can see-thru them...sooooo HOTvt2008vt10/09/09 at 10:56hotfun37: I want to wrap my mouth around that soft cottony m...

Do you like yellow poke a dot panties?133 viewsMy wife loves pretty panties to lie in the sun with as well as sexy panties to play invt2008vt10/14/09 at 16:26macnasty1970: love the panties more shots of them.

Black mesh panties254 viewsoops...a quick shot up my wife's tiny skirtvt2008vt10/13/09 at 15:48macnasty1970: very nice more

571 viewsphenzon10/14/09 at 00:25jbtcoolman: beautiful body

695 viewsphenzon10/18/09 at 04:36hard_muscles2002: you have the perfect legs and butt for wearing hee...
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