Last comments - Self Taken Shots |

522 viewswilma5309/09/09 at 22:32Roman Red: Please clean up the AMAZON!!!!AUUGHHH fur burger!!...

522 viewswilma5307/19/09 at 05:17Savage Lvr42: It's time for a summer trim don't ya think...

554 viewswilma5308/30/09 at 22:27Funkyclaud: That is a mess!

554 viewswilma5307/14/09 at 13:16Savage Lvr42: A pussy is suppose to be tamed, so SHAVE that shit...

long 1635 viewsbored so thought id play girls if u wana chat my msn addy is xbuttman09/04/09 at 13:28shortrun: just how big is that thing anyway?

long 1635 viewsbored so thought id play girls if u wana chat my msn addy is xbuttman07/27/09 at 19:22ez4u2cy: Yea I'm sure girls are just lining up to talk ...

Ostseemaus527 viewsOstseemaus08/15/09 at 21:29bob7654321: TEENAGE girls nude

Boob Job857 viewsthebatman818108/19/09 at 04:01Savage Lvr42: Ahhh, do you like see the pic before you send it h...

619 viewsgolfguy09/17/09 at 18:34Funkyclaud: Hey have your clothes on!

619 viewsgolfguy08/20/09 at I like this! Nice, moody, sullen shot.Beautiful fa...

619 viewsgolfguy07/21/09 at 18:31suzana_4: vau bejbika upas pokazat se kej vec?

619 viewsgolfguy06/18/09 at 20:24bob7654321: what's nude about this?

826 viewsgolfguy08/17/09 at Nice shot! You look great and the black sexy bra i...

2570 views81LSG09/04/09 at 19:11maigor: A wonderful picture, the girl looks supper, cool f...

2570 views81LSG07/14/09 at 20:55something357: nice, guys!

MY WIFES PUSSY FOR YOU TO SEE977 viewsMY WIFES PUSSY FOR YOU TO SEEnumber 108/10/09 at 11:42Savage Lvr42: She's got a phat looking pussy too..3 stars! ...
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