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Caught in the act again!!!756 viewsWhat can we say!!! She is just a naughty girl and nobody can control her. Is that good or bad?G0TTAB0NER

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Our Vacation698 viewsThis is some single guy enjoying her nice breasts while we were at a swinger hotel in Florida. Not the greatest place in the world, but we sure sucked and fucked all weekend long!!!G0TTAB0NER

The Cum Again MilF692 viewsThis video speaks for itself!!! She cums again!!!G0TTAB0NER

The Tiki Bar668 viewsHim getting crazy with the wives at the Tiki Bar.G0TTAB0NER

Hmmmm!658 viewsLet the pic do the talking on this!!! Check out the background!! We plead the fifth!!G0TTAB0NER

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