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1259 viewstmorris012309/10/09 at 04:47freakin5hole: She must be screaming cuz she's out of toilet ...

1259 viewstmorris012308/07/09 at 13:01assluver27: O.K you got me. I was playing criss cross applesau...

1259 viewstmorris012306/24/09 at 09:10m2am: It's either this one. Or the one at Home depot

1914 viewstmorris012308/07/09 at 02:16assluver27: Billy Jean, I told you if we peed outside enough, ...

1773 viewstmorris012308/07/09 at 00:59bigdick8: Damn, wish I was there

1061 viewstmorris012308/12/09 at 19:59assluver27: This picture gives a new meaning to the phrase, De...

590 viewstmorris012308/26/09 at 18:59rockhardtraveler: LOL! Hate when that happens! A lumpy fart!

590 viewstmorris012307/01/09 at 02:27assluver27: I think the chick on the right just blasted a majo...

1618 viewstmorris012309/08/09 at 20:25rockhardtraveler: Looks like the County Police car on the other side...

1618 viewstmorris012308/02/09 at 23:00assluver27: Hey, no one told me they had another Woodstock!

1618 viewstmorris012306/28/09 at 09:23eIoqu: fuck me, this is bad.

733 viewstmorris012309/01/09 at 07:53rockhardtraveler: I hope she doesn't leave them any Chocolate Ch...

733 viewstmorris012307/28/09 at 16:42freakin5hole: I hope they have flood insurance!

733 viewstmorris012306/25/09 at 01:47assluver27: I think I know why the Keebler elves live in trees...

1653 viewstmorris012309/12/09 at 05:43rockhardtraveler: LOL! Why wait? Waste not want not!

1653 viewstmorris012307/27/09 at 11:13assluver27: I want to lick her pussy when she is done!
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