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me and my cock.....want some...hotwifes only.117 viewsInk305
Date added=Sep 19, 2009 7web8[1].jpg](images/thumbs/thumb_nopic.png)
my 50 year old wife117 viewstaken a birthday shootmgtf1953

Amber's excellent photography debut!117 viewsWe placed an advertisement on an internet site looking for an open minded female to come along and take our photographs. A friendly married woman named Amber knocked on the door and within 5 mins had this action happening in front of her. Amber, thanks so much for being our pervert. We know it takes courage, but once you crossed the line and went through with it, you knew the reward is the rare privilege to watch a couple perform a hot personal sex show for you. hope you like the results. Lets do it again!electricitoor
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